July 22, 2011

the breeze for me

so.....i'm not a runner, by any stretch of the imgination.....BUT i WILL get there!  so therefore, the couch to 5k app has been added to my phone.  i have successfully completed two days!  it is going to take me a while.....but i will check something off my bucket list!  i am going to have a 13.1 sticker on the back of my car for running a half marathon....yeah, i know....its a big goal, but i want to do it for my daddy!

so i've been trying to train, and i've gotten to experience some wonderful time with Jesus.  just when i feel like a can't take another step its like i feel a cool breeze that was there just for me.  blake and i have created a battle of the bible verses...yep, he's extremely good.  i promise i think he reads it one time and its in his head for good...not me, it takes me a time or two, but we have had sweet time together trying to learn these verses together.  so i am continuing to try to wall paper my heart with scripture...

so the big MC, thats my baby sister molly carol, stayed with us this week, and let me just say....it made my heart SMILE!  she's probably the goofiest and quirkiest person you could ever meet.  i told blake that i didn't know if i could ever had teenage daughters after having molly carol and her friend the whole week.....but i think i could get used to it :)

i've been working in my new classroom the past few days, as well as working on my last stinking class.  blah....please just give me a C so i can get my certificate for my master's....good grades are not part of my goals anymore...just want to FINISH.

have a fantastic friday!

to the moon and back-

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